Internationally Funny Noun-Adjective Combos

Yet another exciting list of mismatched adjectives and nouns, for your entertainment. 1. Jolting Midnight 2. Visionary Gangster 3. Crouched Birthday 4. Restricting Imbecile 5. Quitting Cave Man 6. Hollow…

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A Visionary List of Adjectives from Jane Eyre

This list of adjectives came from the classic, Jane Eyre: jolting visionary crouched restricting quitting hollow kind entangled inanimate required hysterical demanding murdered assuming devastated unflagging unreasonable relinquished frightened bold fresh unguarded ostensible dependent overwhelmed sequestrated paramount deviated public misjudged sullied feeble humble soft smart vicious frigid trite unfathomed superficial rational spiteful stranded prime vital […]

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Mammoth list of breathtaking nouns by length

1. pen 2. cry 3. pie 4. cup 5. jam 6. day 7. bat 8. hoe 9. sea 10. low 11. tub 12. gun 13. fly 14. law 15. sun 16. toy 17. yam 18. box 19. rod 20. war 21. dad 22. owl 23. spy 24. leg 25. toe 26. way 27. van 28. […]

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Giant list of adjectives sorted by length

1. environmentally-friendly 2. ghoulishly delightful 3. anatomically designed 4. story-within-a-story 5. performance-inspired 6. organically produced 7. obsessive-compulsive 8. critically acclaimed 9. trainedintelligent 10. perfectly balanced 11. honest-to-goodness 12. bottle-conditioned 13. mentally impaired 14. grade-appropriate 15. front-wheel drive 16. caught-in-the-act 17. caught red-handed 18. willing-to-learn 19. well-intentioned 20. verbally abusive 21. thirst-quenching 22. state-of-the-art 23. self-disciplined […]

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