You are currently viewing List of Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs That Start with the Letter C

List of Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs That Start with the Letter C

Here is a list of hand-selected nouns, adjectives and verbs—full of words that start with the letter “C”.

Random Word Generator for Mad Libs


This list will be especially useful if you are obsessed with the third letter in the alphabet.


1. canvassing
2. capable
3. capturing
4. caramel
5. career
6. cartoon
7. casual
8. cataclysmic
9. catastrophic
10. catty
11. cayenne
12. cayman
13. changing
14. chaos
15. charcoal
16. charismatic
17. chatty
18. cheating
19. chief
20. choosy
21. chopped
22. chosen
23. chunky
24. civic
25. classy
26. claustrophobic
27. clear
28. cliche
29. clichéd
30. clipboard
31. cloaked
32. clogged
33. cloned
34. close up
35. close-fitting
36. clucking
37. clueless
38. coincidental
39. cold-blooded
40. collateral
41. colorful
42. combination
43. comfortable
44. committal
45. commuter
46. companionable
47. compatible
48. complacent
49. complex
50. compliant
51. confrontational
52. conjugal
53. conquering
54. consensual
55. consistent
56. consummated
57. contested
58. corner
59. corollary
60. correct
61. cosmetic
62. cosmic
63. cottontail
64. count down
65. counter-attacking
66. cranky
67. crappy
68. creaky
69. creepy
70. criminal
71. crisscross
72. crisscrossed
73. cross over
74. crude
75. crummy
76. crusader
77. crystalline
78. cuddling
79. culinary
80. cultivating
81. curled
82. current
83. custom-made
84. Camouflage


1. Canyon
2. Chicken
3. Cyberspace
4. Charmed
5. Concrete
6. Calculator
7. Charger
8. Complication
9. Comb
10. Cockroach
11. Chaperon
12. Concern
13. Care
14. Controller
15. Caption
16. Cloak
17. Coin
18. Citizen
19. Critic
20. Chromosome
21. Caller
22. Class
23. Clap
24. Command
25. Christmas
26. Craft
27. Cheer
28. Cleaner
29. Cover
30. Cloud
31. Climb
32. Cesspool
33. Convention
34. Cobweb
35. Cowboy
36. Challenging
37. Canvas
38. Cowgirl
39. Cauldron
40. Conspirator
41. Crew
42. Crack
43. Coyote
44. Cheat
45. Crusher
46. Captive
47. Crazy Head
48. Chisel
49. Clearheaded
50. Consideration
51. Compassion
52. Crone
53. Contortionist
54. Clown
55. Counter
56. Crescent
57. Clydesdale
58. Carport
59. Conjuring
60. Cuddling
61. Copyright
62. Chopper
63. Churchyard
64. Canine
65. Captain
66. Cookie
67. Cure
68. Choice
69. Creep
70. Child
71. Calm
72. Confidence
73. Color
74. Collision
75. Compromise
76. Crystal
77. Claw
78. Counter
79. Centurion
80. Cliche
81. Coffin


1. cajole
2. calculate
3. calibrate
4. call
5. camp
6. canvass
7. capitalize
8. capture
9. care
10. carjack
11. carry
12. carve
13. castigate
14. catalog
15. catalogue
16. catapult
17. catch
18. catch on
19. categorize
20. cater
21. cause
22. centralize
23. chair
24. challenge
25. change
26. chant
27. charge
28. chart
29. chase
30. cheat
31. check
32. check in
33. check out
34. cheer
35. chew
36. chide
37. chip
38. choke
39. chomp
40. choose
41. chop
42. claim
43. clap
44. clarify
45. classify
46. clean
47. clean up
48. cleanup
49. clear
50. climb
51. clip
52. close
53. co-operate
54. coach
55. code
56. coil
57. cold-cock
58. collaborate
59. collate
60. collect
61. color
62. comb
63. combine
64. come
65. comfort
66. command
67. commence
68. comment
69. communicate
70. commute
71. compare
72. compete
73. compile
74. complain
75. complete
76. complicate
77. compose
78. compute
79. concede
80. conceive
81. concentrate
82. conceptualize
83. concern
84. conciliate
85. conclude
86. concur
87. condense
88. conduct
89. confer
90. confess
91. confide
92. confirm
93. connect
94. consent
95. conserve
96. consider
97. consist
98. consolidate
99. construct
100. consult
101. contact
102. contain
103. contend
104. continue
105. contract
106. contribute
107. control
108. convert
109. convey
110. convince
111. cook
112. cooperate
113. coordinate
114. correct
115. correlate
116. correspond
117. cost
118. cough
119. counsel
120. count
121. counter
122. counterblow
123. countermand
124. cover
125. covet
126. crack
127. crash
128. crave
129. crawl
130. create
131. cremate
132. criticize
133. critique
134. croak
135. crochet
136. cross
137. cross-examine
138. crowd
139. crumple
140. crush
141. cry
142. cuff
143. cultivate
144. cure
145. curl
146. curse
147. curve
148. customize
149. cut
150. cut across
151. cycle