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100 AI Writing Prompt Commands and Ideas to Get Great Results

The possibilities are endless when it comes to AI Writing Prompts. You can have an ai writer generate an outline, a list of ideas, characterizations and stories. Here are one-hundred unique AI writing commands that can help you achieve great effects. Check out my other AI Writing posts here. I got the image for this blog post using Nightcafe. Check out my AI Art posts here.

  1. [Character] remembers: Use this command to trigger flashbacks or to reveal a character’s backstory. For example, “As John remembered the summer he spent with his grandmother, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of longing.”
  2. [Setting] comes alive: This command can help you bring a scene to life by focusing on the details of a setting. For example, “As the sun began to set, the shadows on the cobblestone street grew longer, casting an eerie feeling over the deserted town square.”
  3. [Emotion] washes over: Use this command to describe a character’s emotional state or to set the mood for a scene. For example, “A sense of dread washed over Sarah as she approached the abandoned mansion, unsure of what awaited her inside.”
  4. [Action] echoes: This command can help you create a sense of continuity between scenes or to emphasize the impact of an action. For example, “As the door slammed shut, the sound echoed through the empty hallway, signaling the finality of their argument.”
  5. [Dialogue] lingers: Use this command to emphasize a conversation between characters or to build tension. For example, “The words hung in the air between them, as each waited for the other to break the silence.”
  6. [Thought] echoes: This command can help you explore a character’s internal dialogue or to create a sense of reflection. For example, “As she looked out at the starry night sky, Mary couldn’t help but wonder if her life would ever be the same again.”
  7. [Symbol] appears: Use this command to introduce a symbol that can represent a theme or motif in your story. For example, “As the dove landed on the windowsill, Amanda knew that it was a sign of hope in the midst of despair.”
  8. be more ominous
  9. be more like Stephen King wrote it
  10. be set in a cyberpunk future
  11. add more dialogue
  12. Contain a metaphor
  13. Make [name of your main character] die
  14. be in first person
  15. Write a list of ten detailed unique and interesting plot ideas for fantasy/sci-fi/romance/action/thriller
  16. be in third person
  17. Be more conflicted
  18. Give lots of details and description in a fun way
  19. Give me a list of some interesting twists for this scenario
  20. Write in first person past tense perspective
  21. Describe these people, how they look, personalities, hobbies and give them last names and family histories: (list names of people you want characterized)
  22. Show Don’t tell
  23. Rephrase
  24. More succinct
  25. More like a cowboy wrote it
  26. have a lot of dialog
  27. Have stronger verbs
  28. Lots of descriptions
  29. First person from Amelia’s point of view
  30. be more descriptive of the character’s emotions.
  31. Write in first person past tense perspective
  32. Be more descriptive of the setting
  33. Teach about _____ in the english language.
  34. Describe the expressions on the characters faces as they dialog
  35. Highlight how their reactions are driven by their motivations, desires, and personal histories
  36. Balance the emotional intensity of the characters’ reactions with the unfolding events, maintaining momentum in the scene
  37. The scene is full of extremely absurd moments
  38. The writing builds up tension and has lots of comedy
  39. Written in the style of ________
  40. The writing is funny, with vaudeville situations
  41. This scene involves aliens
  42. Convert to dark fantasy
  43. Write an (fantasy/sci-fi/romance/action/thriller) outline using Save the Cat’s 15 story beat structure and include at least one sentence of specific details for each beat about (add plot or scene idea)
  44. Continue writing and make it funny and sweet
  45. Make it like _____ wrote it
  46. A detailed (fantasy/sci-fi/romance/action/thriller) story, show don’t tell
  47. Write a science fiction/romance/fantasy story using the three act structure and include at least two sentences of specific details for each plot point about (add plot or scene idea)
  48. Write an (fantasy/sci-fi/romance/action/thriller) story outline using the 12 stages of the hero’s journey and include two sentences of specific details for each beat about (add plot or scene idea)
  49. Introduce the protagonist and present them with a problem in a unique way
  50. The detective will solve a mystery of …
  51. The hero will defeat the menace of …
  52. The main character will solve the problem of …
  53. Introduce all other characters as soon as possible, preferably in action
  54. The protagonist becomes involved in a physical conflict near the end of the first 5,000 words
  55. Include a surprise plot twist with a cliffhanger at the end
  56. Add difficulties and conflict for the protagonist
  57. Their struggles lead to a physical conflict
  58. End on a cliffhanger
  59. Heap challenges on the protagonist
  60. Introduce the main character’s allies
  61. Describe a physical conflict with a lot of action and details
  62. Throw the protagonist into a difficult situation
  63. Intensify the difficulties for the protagonist
  64. The protagonist is overwhelmed by their troubles
  65. Write in in first person point of view in past tense, from his perspective using his dialog and lingo
  66. The protagonist overcomes challenges using skills, training, or unique talent
  67. Mysteries are solved during the final conflict
  68. Include a final twist, a big surprise
  69. End with a punch line that leaves the reader with a warm feeling
  70. Give me a list of 5 names for an alchemical substance that would be slightly magical and react with sodium causing enough heat to ignite a fire
  71. What would ____ look like? Describe in great detail
  72. Give me a detailed description of _____ written like an entry in an old book which indexes materials used for magic spells. Include how it is made, safety instructions, and alchemical instructions for its use.
  73. Add a long description broken into parts and roman numerated sections
  74. Describe the characters’ efforts they work to overcome the conflict
  75. Show how actions are influenced by objectives
  76. Add more personality, maintaining believability
  77. Add obstacles or complications to scene
  78. Introduce obstacles or complications that heighten the tension
  79. Test the main characters’ abilities
  80. Keep the obstacles or complications relevant to the central conflict
  81. Illustrate the emotional turning point for the character
  82. Incorporate unexpected developments that alter the course of the scene
  83. Describe the characters’ motivations, emotions, and goals
  84. Keep the surprises plausible and relevant to the story
  85. Avoid gratuitous shock value
  86. be more descriptive of the character’s emotions.
  87. Write in first person past tense perspective
  88. be more descriptive of the setting
  89. describe the expressions on the characters faces as they dialog.
  90. Maintain a connection between the scene and the overall story
  91. Create anticipation and curiosity for the next scene by offering a glimpse of what’s to come
  92. Offer subtle hints about how the characters’ motivations
  93. Evolve the character
  94. Let the character be tested in upcoming scenes
  95. Preserving the element of surprise and maintain narrative tension
  96. Conclude once emotional stakes have shifted
  97. Wrap up the current sequence of events
  98. Set the stage for future developments
  99. Leave room for the story to continue
  100. Avoiding an overly conclusive ending that might limit the potential to evolve

By using these unique AI writing commands for fiction, you can add a new layer of depth and creativity to your writing.